Quick Checks To Make Before Calling A Peachtree City Air Conditioning Service

by | Nov 26, 2019 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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There is nothing worse to come home after a long day at work to discover your Peachtree City home is sweltering inside, and the air conditioning is not working. It is also unpleasant to wake up in the night to find there is no cool air, and the temperature in your room is easily in the 80s or 90s.

Before calling in an air conditioning service provider there are three quick checks that are easy to make. These checks can ensure that it is not a simple issue that is impacting the air conditioner and perhaps even saves you the cost of a trip out to the home by the Peachtree City HVAC repair company.

Check the Thermostat

If the system is not turning on and there is no cool air, start by checking the thermostat. With new smart systems and even programmable zone climate controls, it is easy for a button to be pushed or an app on a phone to be accidentally changed, resulting in the system being shut down or the temperature setting to be accidentally adjusted.

With an older battery type of programmable system, check to make sure the wall unit has battery power. There is usually an indicator light that flashes or a symbol that indicates if this is the issue.

Check the Filter

When the air conditioner compressor is running, but there is no cool air, it may be a blocked or dirty filter. Start by turning off the system, which should be a switch located right at the unit or just inside the house. The filter is usually right inside the door of the unit, and it is easy to remove and inspect.

If the filter is dirty, replace it or clean it, then put the cover back on and power on the unit. A key sign there is a filter problem is ice that is visible in the coils. This is often a sign of low airflow through the filter. This is why your air conditioning service company recommends regular filter cleaning or replacement for optimal operation.

Always check the breaker in the house, as well. If the breaker is reset and trips again, leave it off and call your air conditioning service as there may be an electrical short in the system.

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