Can an Emergency Dentist in Highland Park Install Dental Implants?

by | Jul 7, 2021 | Dental Services

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Losing teeth is a terrible ordeal no matter how it happens. It’s one of the worst nightmares you can have as the loss of teeth is traumatic for anyone. It affects a person both physically and psychologically, as you see your ability to chew and your dental aesthetics diminish. These drawbacks lead to loss of self-esteem and self-confidence and it can also cause other health problems. If you have lost teeth, especially recently, you should seek care from an Emergency Dentist in Highland Park.

New and more effective treatments

Fortunately, dental clinics have several possible treatments for losing a tooth. An assortment of possibilities among one of which is Dental Implants. Through the process of osseointegration, they are integrated to the jawbone so they mimic all functional and aesthetic characteristics of the lost tooth. This procedure, which traditionally lasts a few months, has been shortened considerably by the best specialists, who are able to give patients immediate dental implants in just one day.

Advantages of osseointegration

Thanks to the latest technology and the countless new techniques available, it’s no longer necessary to wait for the implant to osseointegrate. Osseointegration enables the tooth to meet the aesthetic and masticatory function from the first day of placement. An Emergency Dentist in Highland Park can recover the lost tooth with a fixed part and only have to change the temporary crown for a final after about 3 to 6 months.

More comfort for the patient

The most modern dental clinics have gone a step further to offer other amenities in relation to dental implants. Your local emergency dentist in Highland Park can offer immediate dental implants the same day you come in. This is a snapshot patient rehabilitation effort, which allows the patient to never go a day without a tooth.

Immediate implants versus traditional implants

The greatest thing about immediate implants is that they have been proven to offer the same successful results that traditional implants have offered. Moreover, the act of placing the implant in the same time of extraction involves greater conservation of tissues adjacent to the tooth, resulting in a better cosmetic outcome of rehabilitation in both the short and long term. For more information contact Business Name today.

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