Aging is no fun but there is an easy answer to stop the clock a while, Juvederm in Fayetteville can slow down the hands of time. Juvederm is a filler that will rejuvenate your face. You can slather on the creams and lotions and wait weeks or months to see results or you can opt for this proven filler to get rid of those moderate to severe wrinkles! It is an easy solution that will literally take years off of your face.
What is Juvederm?
This is a filler that comes in gel form. It is not absorbed by the body. It sits under the skin to give a plump full appearance and to reduce the signs of aging dramatically. The results last for up to 10 months depending on individual factors. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments like Botox injections.
Why Choose This Treatment?
Since this is a minimally invasive treatment there is no down time after the treatment. Recovery is quick. There may be some tenderness and a bit of swelling at the injection site but that usually disappears in less than a week. The results are immediate. As soon as you have the injections you will be able to see a difference. It is a great option for those deep lines.
injectable filler has benefits that other injectable fillers do not
with acids found in the body
down time
Until this filler was approved bovine collagen was the favored filler however animal based collagen poses a higher risk of reaction. This filler is made from acids that are already found in the human body so there is a very rare chance of reaction. Of course a reaction is always possible with any treatment but the incidence is lower with this filler because it is compatible with the acids naturally found in the body. The results are fast and last a long time. There is no down time after treatment other than avoiding direct sunlight and doing anything too strenuous for about a week. Overall the results are excellent and the majority of people report no discomfort or side effects. Even in the people that do experience some discomfort it lasts only for about a week. You can get excellent results with minimal risk. It is a great option for anyone that wants to rejuvenate their face.
Bella Medical Aesthetics, PC offers Juvederm in Fayetteville that can give you your youthful appearance back! Make an appointment for your consultation today!