Working on a construction site can be risky to your health and safety. You take on job tasks that you put your mobility, limbs, and life in harm’s way.
When you have suffered an injury because of your line of work, you do not have to suffer the damages alone. You can hire an experienced construction accident attorney in Joliet to help you pursue damages that you are entitled to under your state’s personal injury laws.
Pursuing Medical Compensation
The employer that you worked for may owe you compensation for your medical bills that you incurred from the accident. The laws in your state may say that you do not need to pay for them yourself. In fact, your own health insurance company may refuse to pay the bills if another party caused your accident.
Your lawyer can hold the employer’s insurer responsible and make sure that it pays your bills that are related to the accident. You avoid having to use your own money or send the billing to your own insurance company.
Your lawyer can also pursue punitive damages for your physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering. You may win money that you can use to live on until you are fully healed and ready to return to work.
You can find out more about hiring a construction accident attorney in Joliet online. Contact Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell, P.C. for more information.