Five Reasons to Seek Premarital Counseling in Stillwater, MN

by | Jul 26, 2021 | Counselor

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Reliable statistics say that fifty percent of marriages end in divorce and have remained largely unchanged for the past thirty years. Though that statistic changes depending on where you live in the United States, Premarital Counseling in Stillwater, MN can help ensure you marry the right person. Premarital counseling can also help you stay married. No one goes into a marriage planning to divorce, but you should definitely go into marriage with a plan. Here are a few reasons you should consider seeing a counselor.

1. Uncertainty

While some uncertainty is inevitable and even healthy, if you are unsure you are marrying the right person, you may not be. It would be wise to see a professional so that you and the other party can discuss your uncertainties in a productive environment. So often, expressions of worry are misinterpreted as insults to the other party. A professional skilled in the science of premarital counseling can guide you through the conversation with as few hurt feelings as possible.

2. Fear

Marriage is a huge step. Ideally, it will last for the rest of your life. You probably check reviews or consult experts about buying furniture, cars, planning vacations, and choosing jobs. There’s no shame in consulting a professional about something as big as marriage. Fear can be healthy or unhealthy, and sometimes, only a professional can tell the difference.

3. Insecurity

You might feel that the promise you are making to another person is too big. In many cases, marriage is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make in your life. Committing your life and loyalty to another person can be daunting. What do you do if you screw up? What if someone cheats? What if someone’s personality changes?

With the help of premarital counseling, you can discuss these issues before they arise and plan how to avoid them or work through them productively.

4. A Checkered Past

You or your potential spouse may have messed up and hurt the other at some point in the past. Nearly everyone hurts their partner somewhere in the relationship. Though the hurt might be over, one or both of you might fear that it will happen again. Talking it through with an expert can help assuage those fears.

5. Curiosity

You might be curious what married life will be like. The only way to honestly know what it is like to be married to someone is to marry that person, but a counselor can walk you through common peaks and valleys in relationships. You can experience a taste of what your life will be like with that person.

LifeWorks has been teaching individuals and couples over the past 15 years how to have the relationship of their dreams and helping couples to get back on track, resolve issues, heal, and set new goals for the future.

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