Tips for Keeping the House Clean in Between House Cleaning in San Antonio

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Cleaning

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Keeping a tidy house impacts much more than simply the appearance of our home. According to studies, there is a significant correlation between a clean house and happiness; thus, keeping your home clean and neat is more vital than ever.

Hectic lives leave little time for house cleaning in San Antonio, so it’s good to enlist professional house cleaners’ services. But, how can you keep your house neat in the meantime?

Here are a few pointers on keeping your house clean in between cleaning sessions.

Create a Tidy-up Schedule

When it comes to keeping the house picked up, certain rooms get messed up more quickly than others, thanks to kids and pets. Playrooms, kids’ rooms, and kitchens take a battering every day.

Spend 10 minutes mentally strolling about your house and jotting down which rooms are the weakest in your household. Then, before your next appointment for house cleaning in San Antonio, make sure everyone understands to clear these up over the week.

Place Boxes in Each Room

Clutter is the scourge of our tidy existence. Clutter is bothersome, but the prospect of putting a lot of small items away may be daunting. Invest in some tidy boxes for each room to combat this.

Anything from wicker baskets to foldable storage boxes can be used for this purpose. The only thing is to make sure they’re transportable. Then, go around the room and collect any remaining items at the end of the day. Place them in your tidy box so that you can put everything away later.

Get in touch with Maids On A Mission for more information!

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