Top 2 Things Plumbers in Chicago Want Every Household to Avoid

by | Dec 1, 2022 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Residential plumbing systems are built tough and withstand quite a bit of wear and tear. However, some household habits can put pipes and other plumbing components at risk of unexpected failure. Here are two things plumbers in Chicago, IL, want households to avoid.

1. Liquid Drain Cleaners

At some point, everyone had a stubborn clog that refused to budge, no matter how much plunging or snaking was done. What happens next makes all the difference in the pipe’s future: Does one reach for the liquid drain cleaner or call a plumber?

The answer is: call a plumber! Liquid drain cleaners are great at removing stubborn clogs, but the risk to one’s plumbing system is too high. Drain cleaners are made from highly corrosive chemicals that can weaken pipes. When drain cleaners are used too much, there’s a greater chance of leaky pipes and water damage.

2. Disposable Wipes

Plumbers understand how these products can be confusing. After all, the package says they’re flushable and safe for household plumbing. However, that’s not actually the case.

Disposable wipes aren’t flushable because they don’t dissolve in the pipes fast enough. It takes them at least twice as long as toilet paper to disintegrate, which means there’s more time for the wipes to grab waste as it moves through the pipe, resulting in clogs. It’s better to throw disposable wipes away than to flush them.

Clogged drains happen, but they can be easy to fix. Contact the professional plumbers in Chicago, IL, at Apex Plumbing & Sewer Inc., at to learn more about professional drain cleaning services.

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