How Your Family Dentist in Liberty Lake WA can Treat Tooth Mobility

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Dentist

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Mobility of teeth – one of the symptoms of dental disease, is often overlooked by patients. This is because it does not cause pain and, as a result, the term for health-care is unreasonably delayed. However, adult tooth mobility may be due to two main reasons: inflammatory diseases of the gums and shrinkage of the jawbone. Your Family Dentist in Liberty Lake WA will establish the cause of tooth mobility and carry out a complex plan of therapeutic measures aimed at addressing the causes of this condition.

The primary cause of inflammatory diseases of the gums and, in consequence, periodontal is primarily a failure to comply with certain rules. These rules cover oral hygiene and bad habits, such as smoking or occupational hazards. Dental clinics pick up the necessary techniques and methods of treatment, but without your work on eliminating the harmful effects of these factors, you will not solve the whole problem. Therapeutic measures include splinting of loose teeth and the use of special materials reducing periodontal tissue.

1. Splinting – The special design, which connects one movable jaw joint and stationary teeth to strengthen the position of moving teeth, prevents further loosening. Splinting may be removable or detachable.

2. Emdogain – One of the newest trends in the treatment of tooth mobility is used in clinics around the world. It is a special material called Emdogain®. This product is a bio-based treatment, facilitating the return of hard and soft tissues lost due to periodontal disease. As a result, entirely new healthy tissue is formed around the tooth to ensure its attachment to the bone, as it was before the disease.

It should again be emphasized that the treatment of loose teeth should begin as soon as possible, without delay. A visit to the dentist should begin as soon as you notice an issue with your tooth. Your Family Dentist in Liberty Lake WA will explain that prevention is a key component in keeping teeth healthy and beautiful. This means daily oral hygiene and regular visits to the clinic. It is a long painstaking process in some cases, but it is necessary if you want a perfect smile. For more information, contact Business Name today.

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