Why It Is Worth Taking 10 Minutes to Get Your Oil Changed in Surprise, AZ?

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Automotive

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People may put off getting their car’s oil changed because of the time it takes to visit the mechanic’s shop and have the oil change performed. The truth of the matter is that getting an oil change does not take that long. Here are some of the best reasons to stop at the local mechanic’s shop and get a 10 minute oil change in Surprise, AZ.

Getting regular oil changes can maintain the lubrication in the engine. Many moving parts in the engine operate at high speeds, including valves and pistons. All these components create heat. The heat and movement can cause engine parts to wear down quickly if not properly lubricated. Getting a 10 minute oil change in Surprise, AZ will contribute to keeping your engine components cool. Having clean oil in the engine and a sufficient amount of it will prevent overheating.

With regular oil changes, you are going to get better gas mileage. Poor lubrication in the engine leads to increased fuel consumption. Also, it will promote longevity for your vehicle. The better you take care of it, the longer it will last. Buildup in the engine from dirty oil will make the internal components of the vehicle work harder. In the long run, you will likely spend more time at the mechanic shop and spend more money because you did not get the oil change regularly. It is worth 10 minutes of your time to get the oil repaired at intervals recommended by the vehicle’s manufacturer.

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