Have a Chicago Criminal Defense Appeal Attorney Examine Your Criminal Case

by | Mar 5, 2024 | Lawyer

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A criminal charge can cost you a lot of money and even strip you of your freedom. If you plead “not guilty” to a charge, it can be devastating to hear the judge side with the prosecution. However, a “guilty” verdict isn’t necessarily the end of your legal defense journey. Have a Chicago criminal defense appeal attorney examine your criminal case.

What is Appellate Court?

Illinois’ appellate court is a secondary court that revisits old cases on behave of one of the parties to ensure a fair judgment. Appellate courts are put in place so that plaintiffs and defendants have a second chance in the case of an unfavorable judgment.

How to Have Your Case Heard in Appellate Court

You will need to submit a motion to the appellate court to have your case heard. An assembly will determine if your case has enough evidence to be heard. Your Chicago criminal defense appeal attorney can work with you on your motion to make it as credible as possible.

If your case is accepted, you will get a chance to restate your defense to the appellate court. During your day in court, you may be able to submit evidence you didn’t have on your original court date. A different lawyer may also have a different strategy that requires a more detailed examination of some of the details of the case.

Taking your case to an appellate court can be expensive and the stakes are high, so you will need as much support as possible. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer from Cheronis & Parente LLC for more information.

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