You have known about your diabetes for a few years now. It is a sufficiently bad enough case that you are required to give yourself insulin shots several times a day. Up to now, you have not had the foot problems that are often associated with the disease but now you seem to have an infection in one of your toes and your primary care provider says that you need specialty care.
You have asked around among your family and friends but were not able to get any help with a recommendation. You reach out to your endocrinologist for a recommendation, and she gives you a few choices of practices to choose among.
You decide to go online to find information on each of her suggestions and in fact, a few seem to be likely candidates. You want a foot clinic with lots of experience in treating patients with foot problems related to your condition.
Sometimes, those with diabetes get nerve damage and cannot feel much in their lower extremities. Then, often, infection occurs, and the patient does not realize that things are getting bad until the infection is way out of control. You are afraid that what you are now experiencing is this issue and finding a foot care clinic that helps with your condition is a must for you.
You have choices for diabetic foot care in Jacksonville, FL. Right now, your biggest concern is finding the best doctor and getting an appointment as soon as possible because it seems to you that your foot is getting worse each day.
To reach great diabetic foot care in Jacksonville, FL, reach out to First Coast Foot and Ankle Clinic at