Trying to choose the best wallcovering for an office environment can be a real challenge. Although there is a phenomenal range of designs, colors and materials available, in an office environment durability must also be taken into account. There are many options available that meet not only aesthetic requirements but also meet the practical demands.
A typical office is always on the move. There is a very big difference between office environments where people walk from one place to another and one where there is a lot of activity and it’s not always just in the office. What about corridors where the cleaning personnel are moving their carts or areas where deliveries take place. When choosing office wallcovering these issues must be top priority; that which is chosen for areas where one expects high impact will call for a wallcovering that is very different to that installed in areas with careful and polite traffic.
Wellness and safety:
Although office personnel do touch the walls the amount of time spent doing this is far, far less than the time they breathe. As your office employees are an important component of your business success you want to provide them with an environment that is conducive to good health and comfort. The greatest majority of commercial office wallcovering available today will pass the most rigorous air quality standards. Most products are pre-treated with antimicrobials to ensure that microbes cannot thrive on the wall surfaces, they also are treated with mold and mildew inhibitors to keep the walls free from these irritants. When you take these features and couple them with the fact that the wallcovering is easy to keep clean, you end up with an office wallcovering that meets and exceeds your company’s wellness and safety goals.
Environmental considerations:
Even the best office wallcovering will eventually reach the end of its life and need to be replaced. When you first purchase the material pay particular attention to how to dispose of it when the day comes, the best materials are 100 percent recyclable, all it takes it a little added effort on the part of the contractor assigned to remove it and replace it with new material. Once the material has been returned for recycling it helps to reduce waste and be part of the manufacture of new product using recycled material.
The overall objective of office wallcovering is to help protect the walls from damage, be pleasing to look at and it can even help boost your company’s image.
Office wallcovering needs to be selected with a number of things in mind including durability, health and wellness of your employees and end of life disposal. To choose from a wide selection of wallcoverings that meet these requirements you are invited to shop at Business Name.