When a consumer purchases a new car, they invest a substantial amount of money to own a dependable vehicle. Often, people will spend a vast amount of time researching the various types of automobiles available on the market to find the right one for them. However, what happens when the vehicle is defective and fails to work properly? What are consumers to do when the new auto they have purchased recently spends more time in an auto shop instead of on the road? Illinois Lemon Law was established to help protect consumers from being taken advantage of by auto dealerships and manufactures when a newly purchased automobile fails to operate.
Reasons to Hire an Attorney if You Purchased a Defective Auto
* When it comes to dealing with manufacturers and dealerships over a defective vehicle, it can be a time-consuming process. An attorney can help reduce this amount of time and help you obtain a fair settlement.
* A law firm that specializes in Illinois Lemon Law will know the criteria required to consider an automobile a lemon.
* They have the experience required to successfully negotiate a settlement with an auto dealership or manufacturers.
* An attorney is dedicated to protecting their clients’ rights to ensure they are not taken advantage of by large corporations.
Select a Dedicated and Established Law Firm
Since 1995, Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® has devoted their services to help consumers receive compensation for a defective automobile they have purchased. With their vast amount of experience, a skilled team of attorneys fully understand how each state’s Lemon Law works and how to use it to help each client win their case. You do not have to be stuck with a faulty auto when a solution is available with a reliable attorney firm.