There is an agreement between states to report on the fuel taxes by the interstate motor carriers. This agreement is the International Fuels Tax Agreement (IFTA). There are requirements that a business owner should fulfill before registration. A business owner who does not know about the compliance can contact a Trucking Permit Company Florida for guidance on how to comply.
Any company that wishes to be registered in Florida should have an established place of business in Florida, from which the business operations are carried out. The mileage must also be accrued in the state of Florida.
It is also a requirement that the records of fleet operations are maintained and whenever required, they should be availed to the authority. The state of Florida is within the jurisdiction of the International Fuel Tax Agreement. Visit the site to know more.
There is also another regulation that is the International Registration Plan that operates in the United States. This regulation provides for payment of license fees based on the fleet distance in a particular state. For this regulation too, there are requirements.
Any vehicles that are used in the business of transportation including government vehicles, and meets the following requirements should be registered under the IRP. These requirements are:
- A power unit with two axles and gross weight in excess of 2600 pounds.
- A power unit with three or more axles without putting into consideration the vehicle’s weight.
- When used in combination, the weight can exceed 2600 pounds.
You can get the information about how to comply with this regulation from a Trucking Permit Company Florida. Most of this information can be found online on the website of any company offering these services.
Compliance with these two regulations ensures that you operate your business in a legal manner which helps you to avoid any penalties. It is important to note that the fines for non-compliance are hefty, and it is thus better to comply and operate you business freely.
As you contact a company offering these services, it is important to make inquiries on the interstate provisions and whether you are required to acquire a temporary permit. This is if you plan to conduct your business in a state outside the place where your business is registered. For more info on this visit