An Explanation of Guardianship vs. Custody for Chicago Area Parents

by | Jul 19, 2022 | Lawyer & Law Firm

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When it comes to legal matters and the placing of children in the care of adults, it might be confusing for you when people use the word “custody” versus “adoption” versus “guardianship”. All of these essentially mean that a child is being legally placed with an adult who is then responsible for that child’s care. As a parent or foster parent, it’s important to understand what is the difference between guardianship custody and adoption of a minor child. If you are seeking legal placement of a child in your care in the Chicago area, you need a thorough explanation of these terms.

What Is the Difference Between Guardianship, Custodianship, and Adoption of a Minor Child?

Custodianship is usually two parents fighting over who gets placement of the minor children. The courts in Chicago attempt to sort out a fairly equal placement and custody plan so that the children have adequate time with both parents.

Guardianship means that the children are placed with a court-ordered guardian, a trusted adult who has been screened and found safe to house and care for children. It’s often not a relative, but a foster parent or other adult the courts and social workers have screened for the job.

Adoption of a minor child is a child who has been completely removed from parents and needs a home. It may also be that the child has no living family.

McHenry Child Custody Attorneys

You will need to hire a lawyer regardless of which of the aforementioned situations is similar to your own. Consider hiring McHenry Child Custody Attorneys for more information.

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