Are There Benefits to an Uncontested Divorce in Miami, FL?

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Divorce Attorney

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Divorce is a difficult process. The task is made simpler by taking the uncontested path. But how can you tell if an amicable divorce is your best option? What does the term “uncontested divorce” mean? Before filing, you and your spouse must agree to all the conditions and sign all the required paperwork. This is an uncontested divorce in Miami, FL.

Faster Process

The practicality of the procedure is one advantage of an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce is completed much more quickly than a traditional divorce. A contested divorce may take several months or even years to complete. You likely don’t want the divorce procedure to take that long.

In contrast, a divorce without a dispute can be finalized in less than two months. Agreeing with your spouse is the first step and then the case must be filed and finished.

Costs Less

The decreased expense of an uncontested divorce is its most well-liked advantage. The cost of a contested one is high. It may be tens of thousands of dollars or more, depending on the level of contention in your case.

Although less expensive, an uncontested divorce in Miami, FL, is still costly. Your divorce is a an investment in your future; therefore, it must be managed skilfully. Ensuring your legal documents are accurate and defending your interests is your attorney’s responsibility.

A lawyer will examine your contract for potential problems that you and your spouse might not be aware of. Although it’s expensive, it’s important that you employ an attorney to make sure all of your paperwork is filled out correctly to avoid having to fix issues in the future. Hiring a lawyer for this process is still substantially less expensive than going through a traditional divorce.

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