The first step in seeking treatment for addiction of any kind could include contacting a rehabilitation clinic with medication-assisted services. Addiction counselors in Shelby County, AL, are available to help with any questions you might have about the rehabilitation process.
Medication-Assisted Addiction Treatment
Addiction is treated using many different methods. There are traditional 12-step programs that encourage group interaction and abstinence from substances such as alcohol and opioids.
In recent years, another effective method has been employed using opiate blockers to help extinguish the cravings for addictive substances. The Sinclair Method employs opiate blockers, used daily, to greatly reduce or eliminate the desire for the abuse-level intake of things like alcohol and opioids.
Many people with addiction disorders often will resist seeking treatment because the withdrawal process could be too painful and, in some cases, life-threatening. With pharmacological intervention, the risk associated with withdrawal could be lessened. Speaking with an addiction counselor could be the first step to understanding your options for treatment.
Counseling and Patient Responsibility
While employing a medication-assisted rehabilitation program for addiction the patient would be expected to acknowledge their responsibility in the process. Refraining from further use of alcohol and other intoxicating substances, maintaining appointments with clinic counselors and taking medications as prescribed could help you stay invested in your recovery.
If you feel you are ready for help, please contact Business Name. Starting a new life addiction-free is possible.