When you own or operate a business that involves automobiles, it is extremely important to have commercial auto insurance. Commercial auto insurance in Metairie protects the occupants, the vehicles, and others if an accident were to occur. Many states require businesses that use or require the use of business vehicles to have commercial auto insurance.
What Does Commercial Auto Insurance Cover?
Commercial auto insurance in Metairie generally provides coverage on your business automobiles for
- Collision or comprehensive physical damage
- Medical expenses for injury of the driver and occupants
- Liability damages
- Damages to the driver and occupants due to negligence such as an underinsured or uninsured motorist and/or driver
Commercial auto insurance keeps your vehicles (owned or leased) covered for potential damages. It also protects the occupants of these vehicles providing liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage directly caused by the operation of your business vehicles. Agencies such as Dan J. Burghardt Insurance Agency, Inc. will offer you a free quote, discuss the options for various policies, and explain the benefits of each policy for commercial auto insurance.
What Kind of Businesses Require Commercial Auto Insurance?
Commercial auto insurance policies are designed specifically to protect your business. Whether you are a large or small business owner, commercial auto insurance is vital if you have commercial vehicles. Some common industries that require commercial auto coverage include delivery services, public and private transportation, contractors, trucking, building construction, and real estate.
The cost of commercial auto insurance in Metairie will be dependent on the driving records of your drivers as well as other factors such as the age of the driver, type of vehicle, and age of the vehicle.