Foot Conditions Treated by Podiatrists in Edison NJ

by | Jan 15, 2015 | Health

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There are many problems with the feet that are best treated by specialists rather than general practitioners. A family doctor can make an initial diagnosis, then refer patients to see doctors who specialize in conditions of the feet. Podiatrists can treat many problems with the skin on the feet, including removing calluses and corns. In the case of fungal skin infections, treatments may include medications as well as having patients wear special shoes that are ventilated. Ingrown toenails are also treated by foot doctors, as well as other skin infections.

When people notice that they have problems with their toenails, it is often recommended that they get referrals to see Podiatrists in Edison NJ. These problems can include toenails that are too thick or discolored. There are many things that can cause toenail problems, and most can easily be treated by Podiatrists Edison NJ. Often, it is simply a bacterial infection that is causing thick or discolored toenails, and the specialists will prescribe medications or special foot soak baths to treat the infections. It may be necessary for patients to take antibiotics in order to have their infections clear up completely.

Those who have diabetes need to take particularly special care of their feet. It is generally recommended that diabetics visit podiatrists regularly. The foot specialists can perform neurovascular testing of the feet, which is recommended annually for diabetics.

They will also provide specialized treatment for diabetics with foot problems, as well as help diabetics avoid having to deal with these problems in the first place. Between the podiatrists and family physicians, diabetics should have no problem controlling their disease.

Podiatrists Edison NJ do a lot more than treat skin conditions and foot problems associated with diabetes. Often, patients who have had injuries to their feet are referred to podiatrists for treatment. Patients who have foot problems as a result of trauma can also be treated a local podiatrist.

Some of the most commonly-treated foot problems include tendonitis, heel spurs, sprains, strains, and torn ligaments. Anyone who has problems with their feet should talk to their family doctors about getting referrals to the Foot & Ankle Specialists of NJ.

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