Four Reasons Cancer Rates are Higher in Chicago Railroad Workers

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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If you or a loved one worked or works for the railroad, they are at an increased risk of developing cancer. There are at least four reasons that this statement is true.


Electrical panels, pipe insulation, and brake shoe linings may contain asbestos, which railroad workers may inhale. While encountering it one time may not be problematic, repeated exposure can lead to cancer a long time after the exposure occurs.

Silica Dust

Gravel is used on railroad beds as it helps trains get better traction. If the worker inhales this dust, it can harm the lungs, eventually leading to cancer. Inhaling silica dust can also cause kidney damage, COPD and silicosis.


Railroad workers may be required to clean equipment using many types of cancer-causing solvents, including trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. Furthermore, they may be exposed to fertilizers and herbicides as they haul their loads.

Diesel Exhaust

According to the World Health Organization, breathing diesel fumes from diesel engines can cause cancer. In particular, there may be a direct link between lung and bladder cancer and breathing in these fumes.

What to Do

If you or a loved one has worked for the railroad, ensure that the doctor knows so that they can watch for cancer signs. If detected, then contact a railroad cancer law firm. You gave the railroad part of your working years and deserve to be taken care of appropriately. The railroad cancer law firm experts will discuss the next steps with you.

Contact Diesel Injury Law – Hughes Law Offices LLC today for more information.

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