Get the Assistance You Need with Financial Aid for Cancer

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Financial Services

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When you’re faced with a cancer diagnosis there are many challenges ahead. You need to be able to focus on getting well without having to worry about your current financial difficulties. You want to be able to maintain your current quality of life even well into advanced stages of cancer. This applies to people that are single as well as those with families. You need an innovative financial solution that can utilize an asset that you already own, your life insurance policy. If you have a life insurance policy then you can seek financial aid for cancer from programs designed to help you get funds for living and giving.

What Are Funds for Living and Funds for Giving?

There are programs that have been designed for you and your family that include receiving funds for living which is a substantial cash advance that does not have any restrictions on how those funds can be utilized. Such a program also gives you the opportunity to leave funds for giving in place for your beneficiaries. This type of program is meant to help you face one of the biggest challenges in your life while also allowing you to live the best life possible.

The Benefits of Financial Aid

Financial aid is meant to improve the quality of your life while also reducing financial stress. Cancer can cause enough stress without you having to worry about your financial situation. You will get the money you need to maximize the quality of your life while also being able to continue to care for your family so there is no financial worry. Your life insurance policy will continue to stay in effect and still give you the opportunity to pass on funds to your loved ones. This type of financial aid does not put any restrictions on how you spend your money either. You can take a vacation, gift funds to someone, and pay bills. The choice is yours.

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