Honor Your Fraternity With Black Masonic College Rings

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Gold

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People express themselves and honor their school through the purchase of class rings. Legend has it that the class ring dates back to the Egyptians. The Egyptians wore scarab rings because they were supposed to give them eternal life. Indeed, they wore the rings until they died and it was buried with them. Some people attribute the wearing of class rings to wealthy Europeans who hired jewelers to make special family rings. For example, Queen Victoria wore an emerald ring shaped like a serpent. She had an additional six dozen made and they were given to her ladies of the court.

The first modern class ring was given out in 1835 at West Point Military Academy. The rings were popular and people added stones to them. Today, class rings are a tradition for high school and college graduates. The rings are often decorated with symbols of organizations or fraternities the student belongs to. J. Jenkins Sons Co. sells a variety of rings including Black Masonic College Rings. There are four million Masons worldwide and masonic symbols are in demand. What are Black Masonic College Rings? Black Masonic College Rings are for Prince Hall Masons.

Prince Hall is the father of black Masonry in the U.S. Early on, blacks were not permitted to join the Masons. Prince Hall and fourteen other free black men were initiated into Lodge No. 441, attached to the 38th regiment of the British Army garrisoned at Castle William on March 6, 1775. This area is now known as Fort Independence in Boston Harbor. After the British Army left Boston, the Lodge granted Prince Hall and his brothers authority to meet as African Lodge #1 and to bury their dead. Prince Hall petitioned the Grand Lodge of England for a warrant (charter) in 1784. The Warrant, granted to the lodge, is the most important document for all Prince Hall Masons. Additionally, Prince Hall established Lodges in Philadelphia and Rhode Island. There are currently 4500 Prince Hall lodges worldwide with a membership of over 300,000 Masons. Members who need Black Masonic College Rings should contact J. Jenkins Sons Co. Celebrate this proud and honorable tradition.

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