Root canal procedures are commonly done when your tooth becomes damaged because of decay or infection. This procedure is carried out so your tooth can be saved. Many people are nervous when they learn they need a root canal. Fortunately, the procedure is easy to perform and rarely causes any more pain and discomfort than having a tooth filled. If you are in danger of losing a tooth, the Dentist in Milwaukee WI may be able to prevent the loss through a root canal procedure.
A root canal is done under local anesthetic so you feel absolutely no pain while your tooth is being worked on. The procedure typically takes around an hour, depending on what type of tooth is being worked on. The dentist first creates an opening in the tooth so ample room is given to remove the inner tissue. During the procedure, all of the soft tissues are removed, along with the nerve. Since the nerve is no longer crucial for the health of your tooth, it is removed so it no longer causes you pain.
The dentist at Frank R. Galka D.D.S will use special tools called canal files. Canal files work to scrape down the canals of the roots of your tooth. It is important they are completely clean and free of any residue that could continue to degrade the tooth. Once clean, a special dental resin is placed inside the tooth and then it is topped with a sealant. These two are put in place to help make the tooth stronger and prevent it from being damaged. This also prevents any food or drink from entering your tooth.
After your procedure, the Novocaine will prevent you from feeling any pain. When this numbing agent wears off, you may feel some soreness from the needle injections. Your dentist will instruct you on how to control the pain so you are comfortable. If you are in need of a Dentist in Milwaukee WI, call the office of Frank R. Galka D.D.S. He offers patients many different dental services to keep their smiles healthy and strong.
Call today or visit to find out how they can protect your dental health.