Enough can never been said about looking at a solar eclipse. These events are truly a rare opportunity, particularly if the eclipse is a total one. In August 2017, many parts of the United States will be able to see one for the first time since February 1979. In fact, very few Americans were fortunate enough to see this last total eclipse. It could be seen by only a few of the states. The 2017 one will be a more inclusive one, offering many more Americans the chance to state at the spectacle through their solar eclipse viewer glasses.
Staring at the Sun
Scientists and eye doctors rarely encourage people to stare directly at the sun. It is counterproductive to keeping their vision healthy. In fact, history notes that those who stare at the sun too often are bound to go blind. This is, purportedly true of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. While it was not true about Galileo, several early astronomers did comment on how it negatively affected their vision including
- Thomas Harriot (1560-1621
- John Greaves (1602-1652)
- Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was blinded for three days after staring at the sun through a mirror
While you have a New Age group encouraging sun gazing, research has indicated that if you are going to look at the sun, even when in eclipse, you require solar eclipse viewer glasses to prevent retinal damage.
Staring at the Sun Safely
One of the most common methods of watching an eclipse safely is through solar eclipse glasses. These protective solar eclipse viewer glasses need to conform to the highest safety standards. They have to be able to filter the sun’s deadly rays. Make sure they are of the correct type. If they are previously used pair, test them to ensure they are still operative and capable of protecting your vision.
Check for:
- Scratches
- Leaking of light
- Any signs of damaged lenses
- Solid and no warped frames
Be absolutely sure no light can enter through the glasses before you test them by turning your eyes to stare directly at the sun. When you do so, you should only see a large, orange circular object sitting in a very dark black sky. If the solar eclipse viewer glasses pass this test, you can then bring them out and use them to stare directly at the sun during the next partial or total solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse Viewer Glasses
If you wish to enjoy the full beauty of the next total eclipse of the sun, you need to have the right tools. It is important to make certain they are designed to meet the standards that will protect your vision. Once you are certain your chosen form of solar eclipse viewer glasses are suitable for the purpose, you can go ahead and stare directly at the sun as it takes part in another historical event.