Perks of an Accounting Service Doing Your Unemployment Taxes in Lawrence, KS

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Tax Preparation Service

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Even when you are not working and collecting unemployment benefits, you are still liable for paying taxes on that income. After the turn of the year, the state will mail you a 1099 form. You then have until April 15 to file taxes on benefits that you received while you were not working.

However, if you have gone back to work and do not have time or simply have no idea of how to file your taxes, you need to hire a service to handle this important task for you. These benefits are a few to expect when you hire a professional tax preparation service to file your unemployment taxes in Lawrence, KS, for you.

Accurate Filing

If you were to do your taxes yourself, you could make serious mathematical errors that could result in you paying fines or penalties. You could calculate your income to be lower than what you actually received during the year. This error could also leave you open to being audited or charged with fraud.

When you outsource your taxes to a professional accountant, you can be assured that they will be filed accurately. You will know exactly what you owe to the IRS and to the state.

A professional tax preparation service also ensures that your taxes are filed well before the April 15 deadline. You can learn more about hiring a service to file your unemployment taxes in Lawrence, KS, for you online. Contact today.

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