When a business needs additional storage space, it may not have the time to construct a building addition. It takes a lot of time to have building plans approved and then for the construction to be completed. If the business owner likes their current location, then he will not want to move to a larger facility. Long-term leases can also make moving to a new location impossible. Portable Storage Units are often the perfect solution to these situations. Because they have no foundation, they require no building permits and can be placed anywhere on the lot.
Storage trailers can be delivered within days of the request. These are made from high-grade steel and can stand up to the harsh Northeast blizzards and hurricanes. They were originally made as shipping containers to be used transporting materials by ship. There are two different type of storage containers. The first is designed to be delivered to a single location and left in place. The second type is designed to be moved from one location to another. Companies that need to store and transport inventory items find these useful.
Steel doors provide easy entry and secure access. The doors come with four padlocks on each of the four handles used to open the door. Portable Storage Units that require more security can have a steel lock box added. This prevents anyone from picking or drilling through a padlock. Both casual vandals and experienced thieves will have no luck breaking into steel storage units. Since the floor of the storage unit is also steel, potential thieves have no easy entry point.
It is very convenient to have the storage unit delivered and there no need for a special foundation. However, the ground under and around the unit should be flat. If the surrounding area isn’t graded properly, then the storage unit’s door may not open and close easily. If the customer doesn’t have the tools to do this, often the storage unit company will perform this service. There also has to be enough room for the tractor-trailer truck to back up and drop off the container. When the customer no longer needs it, the company will pick it up. Click here for more info.
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