Reasons to Hire a Well Testing Company in Grants Pass, OR

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Science & Technology

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A well testing company is the place to call if you suspect there is trouble with the water in your well, or if you simply need to ensure the safety of the water before you use it in any capacity. Contaminated water will cause humans and animals to fall ill, kill crops, and pollute the surrounding area unless it is properly tested and then treated to remove any problem contaminants. Remember that you must have testing done each year to avoid the potential trouble that dangerous buildup can cause.

Lead or Brass

If you know for a fact that your home has lead pipes, brass fixtures, or lead soldered joints, you need a well testing company such as to help you determine the cleanliness of your water. Lead is a potentially dangerous contaminant that will cause a number of serious illnesses and even eventual death if not quickly removed from treated water, and only a testing facility will offer such a service. If your home was built prior to 1986, it is not unlikely for you to have lead pipes or soldered joints. After you have your water tested for potential contaminants, it may be a good idea to search your home to see if it contains any of these problematic components.


Perhaps you and your well are located close to a farm, industrial facility, gas station, waste disposal site, or dry cleaning company. Any one of these locations may be responsible for contaminating your water. A well testing company in Grants Pass, OR will help you determine whether or not nearby facilities are contaminating your water supply, and will also offer a number of available solutions to treat the problem.

You must put the health and safety of your family ahead of the cost associated with such testing, and since the cost is lower than you might think, whether or not you should get your water tested is not a difficult decision. View website for more info about the well testing company in Grants Pass, OR.

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