If you have been experiencing problems with your feet, you need to get help from a chiropodist. A chiropodist can also be identified as a podiatrist. This trained foot doctor treats feet and the disorders that trouble them, but exactly what does a chiropodist do?
A chiropodist examines feet to assess if there are any current abnormalities with them and to determine if foot disorders are likely to manifest in the future. If there is pain, this specialist will find out what’s causing it. Nails that have grown thick can cause discomfort, and wearing shoes can be uncomfortable when the toenails are thick. A chiropodist will cut thick nails and file them down so that shoes can be comfortably worn. While examining the feet, the doctor will also check for calluses, corns, ingrown toenails, infections and other abnormalities.
So, what does a chiropodist do in Cork? A chiropodist in Cork will make sure your feet are healthy and free of pain. This foot doctor will work with you to figure out if the shoes you wear are causing problems with your feet, and he will give you advice on what to do about it. Treatment will be given to take care of any foot ailments you may have and to prevent future problems from occurring.
Contact Achilles Foot Clinic if you want to be seen by a chiropodist in Cork. Call 0212021119, or fill out the online form on the clinic’s website to have someone on the foot clinic team get in touch with you. Go to achillesclinic.ie for more needed information.