Services Covered by 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Near Canton

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Towing Service

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The term “roadside assistance” refers to a collection of services that may be used while you are experiencing automobile difficulties by the side of the road or in a parking lot, at work, or even at home. Emergency roadside assistance will aid you with services such as replacing a flat tire, jump-starting your car’s battery, and transporting your vehicle to a repair shop if you find yourself stuck.

Here is a closer look at some of the services covered by 24-hour roadside assistance near Canton.

Battery Assistance

If your car doesn’t start, chances are that there is something wrong with the battery. When you call for 24-hour truck roadside assistance, somebody can come out and test it for you. How they can help will depend on what they discover after testing the battery.

If the battery is still good, they can provide a jump-start. In some cases, they might even be able to immediately replace your battery with a new one.

Tire Assistance

Perhaps the most used service with 24-hour roadside assistance near Canton is for tires. From smaller sedans to heavy-duty trucks, it’s always nice to have assistance when dealing with a flat tire.

With smaller vehicles, it’s simple enough to swap the tire out for the spare, but this isn’t possible with bigger trucks. Most bigger trucks carry an extra tire for emergencies but putting it on requires assistance. Tow trucks can help with that or tow the vehicle to the nearest tire service center.

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