A PET scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography. Essentially, this is a process that scans the heart using a radioactive substance. This helps medical professionals look for internal problems, such as blood flow issues or diseases. In some cases, a PET can provide more information than an MRI or CT scan. See why it may be necessary to use a cardiac PET CT in New York.
Performing the Test
There is a specific process involved when using PET equipment. As mentioned, this test requires the use of a radioactive tracer. This tracer is put into the body through an IV. Next, it will travel through the body and enter the heart. Patients will have to wait a while before the PET scan can be performed. This gives the tracer time to move through the body.
Next, the cardiac PET CT in New York will be set up for the patient. The person will lie on the table and the scanner will slide over the body. In most cases, radiology technicians will place the ECG devices on the chest area. The scans will then be able to produce 3-D images of the internal parts of the body.
More on the Reasons for PET Scans
As a healthcare provider, you may need to order a PET scan for a wide variety of reasons. First, it may be used to detect brain disorders. It is also helpful to assess whether a patient is suffering from cancer or blood flow problems. A cardiac PET CT in New York will often be used to diagnose heart problems. In the end, there are many different uses.
If you would like more information about PET imaging devices, get in touch with Cardiac Imaging, Inc. by visiting their website today.