Three Signs You Need A DUI Attorney

by | Dec 4, 2019 | Attorney

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DUIs are serious criminal charges made punishable by license suspensions, fees and fines, community service, and even jail time. These offenses can follow you throughout your life and cause difficulties finding employment and overall peace of mind. However, whether you are a first-time offender or have been down this road before, hiring an attorney to see your case through may help reduce your sentence or get it dismissed altogether. Here are three signs that you need to hire a DUI Attorney Ponte Vedra.

1. You Have Prior Offenses

The legal system usually goes a bit easier on first-time offenders, but if you have already been charged with a DUI or another serious crime, the odds are typically not in your favor. Property damages, violent crimes, or child endangerment charges are examples of what can be used against you. The judge may assume that you pose a threat to the safety of others and offer you a harsh plea bargain or worse, jail time.

2. There Were Aggravating Factors Involved

Your case will be judged by its severity. Your ruling will likely be harsher if you caused an accident, injuries, or had a high blood alcohol concentration at the time of your arrest. An experienced lawyer can argue your circumstances to make your case more favorable.

3. You Are Going To Trial

Not having a proper legal defense when entering a trial is a devastating risk. The procedures exercised in a trial setting are a lot firmer than those of a regular courtroom, and it is much harder to negotiate for yourself, especially if you aren’t well versed in the legal world.

In the court of law, representation matters. While you reserve the right to represent yourself, when battling such a serious offense, it is unwise to proceed without a DUI Attorney Ponte Vedra.

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