Top Advantages of an EPDM Roofing System for Denver, CO, Buildings

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Roofing

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Buildings with flat roofs have a few choices for roofing materials. EPDM roofing is a roofing system that many commercial property owners install because it offers several advantages over other roofing systems. Keep reading to learn more about what EPDM roofing is and the advantages of installing a EPDM roofing system in Denver, CO.

About EPDM Roofing

Most people know this roofing material by other names such as rubber roofing or rubber membrane roofing. The material is constructed from sawdust, recycled tires and slate dust. Compared to other roofing materials for flat roofs, EPDM is an inexpensive roof material.

Why Commercial Property Owners Prefer EPDM Roofing

The greatest advantage of installing this roofing system is the cost. It’s available for less than a dollar a square foot and is very easy to install. Some building owners choose to install the material themselves, but hiring professionals is just as cost-effective and preferable.

This material is also lightweight, which means the roof deck doesn’t need reinforcement. The best way to install an EPDM roof is to strip everything off the roof and apply it directly to the roof deck with a strong adhesive.

Another reason building owners should consider EPDM material is that it’s not prone to leaking. Since there are very few seams, there’s fewer spaces for water to get into. Simply put, EPDM roofing lasts longer.

Business interested in learning more about installing an EPDM roofing system in Denver, CO, should contact ACE Roofing & Construction at You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.

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