When you think of emergency dentistry, most will think of having a really bad toothache. While a toothache is perhaps one of the worse pains millions of people experience every day, simply having a toothache is not really what warrants a dental emergency. If you experience one of the following issues, you will definitely want to seek the assistance of an emergency dentist in Boystown.
Knocked out Tooth
If one of your adult teeth has been knocked out, it’s important to take a couple of precautions as you are getting to the dentist. Make sure that the tooth is only handled by the crown and not the root. You don’t want to damage any of the important cells that are needed to perform a bone reattachment procedure.
Tooth Pushed into a Different Position
If you have a tooth that has been pushed out of its natural position but has not been knocked out, the first thing that you want to do is to gently bite down on the tooth. You want to make sure that the tooth is not moved anymore to that your dentist has a greater chance of being able to reposition and save the tooth.
Tooth Fracture
There are generally three levels of fracture when it comes to dentistry. A tooth fracture can be minor, moderate, or severe. In general, you are going to want to rinse your mouth (gently) with warm water. You can use an ice pack to keep the swelling down in your mouth. If you are in need of a pain killer, you can take ibuprofen products. You want to stay away from all aspirin products as that may interfere with the prospective treatment plan.
While dental emergencies should never be ignored, you want to make sure that you get the proper care. Remember that if there is any damage to the soft tissues of the mouth such as tears in the cheeks, tongue, or lips, you need to go to the emergency room immediately. Issues with your teeth can be handled by a dentist at Northalsted Dental Spa.