When Is Small Cell Installation a Good Idea?

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Telecommunications

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Covering a large telecommunications network sometimes requires multiple cells or nodes of contact. One piece of infrastructure that can help with coverage in a large network is a small cell. Small cells are low-powered cellular base stations that fit onto existing poles, such as street lamps, and boost the existing network.

There are certain circumstances where small cell installation is a good idea, and here is a quick guide to them.

In Stadiums

One common complaint people have when going to a sports match or big concert is that they lose their cell phone signal due to the large number of people there. This is not just an issue because people want to post their photos from the outing immediately: it can cause big safety risks if people separated from their group can’t contact them and coordinate a meet-up, or someone who’s fainted can’t get emergency services.

A small cell installation in a stadium that boosts the cell phone signal to deal with crowds can do a lot to promote crowd safety.

In Crowded Neighborhoods

Sometimes it doesn’t take a big festival or concert to overload a cell phone network. In crowded urban areas, such as big apartment blocks, public transportation hubs, or other places, regular crowding can make cell phone signals weaker. A small cell can boost this signal and ensure that residents and people passing through can have good service.

Municipal authorities that notice repeated problems with cell phone signals in a certain area should install a small cell.

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