When to Hire a Lawyer in MN if Your Employer Can’t Accommodate Restrictions

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Attorney

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If you have been injured on the job or have fallen ill and it prevented you from working for a length of time, then you know how inconvenient a lack of work and income can be. However, even if you present a note from your doctor that says you can work in a limited capacity, your employer may still counter with an unable to accommodate work restrictions letter in MN. If this happens, you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Legal Obligations

If a doctor has provided you a letter that states you can work but with certain restrictions, your employer has to make a reasonable effort to accommodate this requirement. If a job exists like this but you are not qualified for it, they must provide reasonable training so that you are able to. Conversely, if an employer provides you with a job that meets these requirements, you cannot refuse to come back to work and still collect benefits without first getting approval from the associated agency.

No Available Jobs

There will be times when the employer cannot accommodate the restrictions either due to the nature of the job or because there is simply no job available at that particular employer. In cases like this, the employer will provide you an unable to accommodate work restrictions letter in MN. You will most likely have to file for permanent disability with the help of an attorney at this point. They will help you with the forms and proofs required to collect from a government agency.

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