Why Should You Engage in Programs That Feed the Hungry in New York City?

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Non-profit organization

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Ever wondered how many people struggle to put food on the table in New York and the whole of America by extension? Well, the numbers can be surprising. With the tough economic times brought by pandemics, hundreds of thousands of New York City residents suffer from food insecurity. To help curb the problems, there are emerging food provision programs aimed at providing specific cultural and dietary needs to the affected. That’s said, here are top reasons why you should join programs that feed the hungry in New York City:

Save Lives

Every life on this earth matters. With the majority of New York City residents facing tough economic times, survival can be difficult for some. According to research, poor or undernutrition is one of the greatest risks to chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure in America. Also, malnutrition is known to cause anemia and other life-threatening conditions. Therefore, if you become part of programs that feed the hungry in New York City, you will help prevent these diseases and thereby saving lives.

Increase Development

Hunger is among the factors known to slow down developmental projects in a country. Hungry people are weak both emotionally and physically. Also, they are more likely to have poor health. This inhibits them from actively engaging in areas of development such as education, employment to name a few.

There are more than enough reasons to feed the hungry in New York City. If you are passionate and compassionate about engaging in such activities, feel free to join Heavenly HARVST. You can contact us or visit our website.

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