The state and federal laws regarding what happens to your estate can require extensive legal experience to understand. By having an attorney on your side, you will be able to put together an effective plan to conduct your family’s estate planning in Scottsdale AZ. No matter what size estate you have, you may need to write a will, assign a power of attorney, and leave a living will or health-care proxy.
You and your family may want to decide together what will happen to all of your assets. By discussing your plans now, you may avoid misunderstandings or legal complications with your estate later. You may want to start by taking an inventory of all the real property you own. If you are married, you and your spouse will want to decide how the other person will handle your financial affairs. An attorney who specializes in estate planning in Scottsdale AZ will be able to advise you and your spouse on what they are entitled to from the estate. Any assets that are not dealt with in your document will be distributed by a probate court. So, it is best to double check the inventory of your assets to make sure you have decided what happens to all of them. If you are not married, you may want to find another individual to be the executor of your estate. You will want to talk to that person before naming her in your will so she will know what is expected of her in the event of your death.
A power of attorney is another important aspect of estate planning in Scottsdale AZ. If you are injured or incapacitated because of a disease or injury, you will be able to name a person who can make your decisions for you. The person will need to be someone you trust who can make decisions about your financial affairs. You can be very specific about when the power of attorney goes into effect and what decisions that person can make. If you are incapacitated, you may want to decide in advance about what kind of health care you want. A living will that is part of your decisions about estate planning in Scottsdale AZ will outline your directives for medical care. You may also name another person to act as your advocate with doctors and hospitals in a medical power of attorney or health care proxy.