Common Complaints Family Dental Sees in Wichita

by | Jan 15, 2015 | Dentist

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There are many factors that can cause problems with the health of your smile. Seeing the dentist every six months can help to prevent many of these conditions from occurring. Unfortunately, many people ignore signs of problems and do not seek dental care when they should. This can lead to a variety of conditions that could end up causing gum disease and tooth loss. It is important to know Family dental in Wichita can treat all types of dental concerns so your smile can be healthy.

1. Pain is one of the most common complaints people have when they schedule an appointment with Family dental in Wichita. Since the reasons for tooth pain can be serious, it is important it is never ignored. Tooth pain is can be caused by a cavity, infection or an injury. By seeing the dentist promptly, the cause for the pain can be found and treated so the pain stops and the tooth is no longer in danger.

2. Cavities are also a major reason people see the dentist each year. Often, people do not pay attention to the warning signs their teeth are giving them. If you notice pain, irritation, dark or white spots or foul breath, these are all signs of cavities. Cavities are best treated in the early stages so it is important you report to your dentist right away if you believe you have one.

3. Gum disease is also one of the reasons people see a dentist each year. Gum disease can cause marked swelling and irritation in the gums. As the disease progresses, pockets of infection develop that begin to cause loosening of the teeth. Eventually, the disease will continue to progress and cause tooth loss. Treatment for this condition takes time. When found early, chances are good for a full recovery.

There are also many other reasons people seek appointments outside of preventative care. If you are in need of dental care for any reason, contact Omido Exquisite Cosmetic and General Dentistry. They will provide you with the expert general and cosmetic dentistry services you need so your smile can be healthy and beautiful. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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