If you have experienced some sort of disaster in your business like a fire, flood, etc. in Texas, then your business interruption insurance should protect you from the devastating expense of repairing your business. But, if your claim has been denied by your insurance company, you need an insurance claims lawyer in Houston, Texas, to help you get the help you need. You can turn to your lawyer for advice so you can get back on track as soon as possible.
What is Business Interruption Insurance?
Business interruption insurance is what a company gets to cover lost income if they must shut down due to damage caused by a disaster like a fire or flood. It can also be used to pay for things like electricity or other operating expenses after the disaster has ended if there was no other way to bring in income from your company.
Insurance Claims Lawyer Houston, Texas, Helps Get Compensation
If you have business interruption insurance, but your insurance company refuses to pay a claim after a legitimate disaster strikes, then you need the help of a lawyer to get you the compensation you are entitled to. It can be very confusing after disaster hits a business and in the hectic aftermath, some insurance companies try to blame the business for the damages. With the help of a good lawyer, this can be avoided so your company can prosper and get back in business as soon as possible.
So, if you need help negotiating with your insurance company after a denied business interruption insurance claim, be sure to talk to the expert insurance claims lawyer Houston, Texas, residents trust, the office of Steve Ferrell Law Firm, by calling for a free consultation at (713) 800-0220 or via mobile phone at (713) 206-3009 or send them an email explaining the problem to SFerrell@Ferrell-LawFirm.com.