Find a Permanent Solution for Tooth Loss and Restore Your Smile

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Dentist

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Missing or severely damaged teeth hinder self-confidence; however, dental implants in Naperville could restore confidence and offer your best smile. Dental implants are long-term solutions to sudden tooth loss. Discovering the benefits of these dental devices helps you make sound choices about your oral health.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Naperville are replacement teeth that are installed permanently. The implants perform and look like natural teeth; unlike dentures or bridges, they won’t become loose or fall out. Your dental professional can match the dental implants’ appearance to your natural teeth to blend them into your smile. Unlike other replacement solutions, you can brush them with your natural teeth.

What to Expect During Your Visit

If you have damaged teeth, your dentist performs extractions. You may wait two weeks between these extractions and dental implantation surgery. Next, the dentist installs a titanium root in the position of your missing tooth. The implant crown is affixed to the root to secure it in your mouth.

You can replace several teeth individually or via a plate. Your dentist informs you of these selections during the initial consultation, and you can compare the pros and cons of each installation.

Missing teeth can make you less confident and present issues in romantic pursuits or job opportunities. Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing or damaged teeth that will last many years with maintenance and proper care. Sometimes, you can get implants entirely installed in one day. Contact Naperville Commons Dental at to find out more about dental implant surgery.

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