How to Prepare for House Painting

by | Feb 28, 2019 | Home Improvement

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Dreaming of repainting your home? Stop dreaming and start doing! Here are a few quick tips on getting the professional-looking paint job you’re wishing for.

Clean and Prep

You can’t paint a dirty surface. Likewise, if there is damage to a wall or existing paint is chipped, you will experience less resilience of the paint applied atop it. Make sure all of your surfaces are clean and free of debris, grease and particulate matter before painting begins. Make any necessary repairs, and remove any excessively damaged previous paint. This will give you or your painter a smooth canvas to work with.

Know What You Want

Paint is not only an investment of money and a painter’s time, but also can be difficult and laborious to completely redo, should you change your mind. For these reasons, it’s important to know what you want before you put the brush to the wall. Browse catalogues and paint samples, test swatches and be certain of your choice. That way, you’ll know roughly what to expect when the paint dries.

Contact the Professionals

If you want the most consistent, clean and attractive finished product possible, hire a professional painting company. Not only will their expertise bring you better results, their knowledge will also prevent many of the rookie mistakes homeowners make when painting their own walls and surfaces.

Consider a number of local companies and ask for galleries of past jobs. Looking for house painters in the San Antonio TX area? Contact Shaw Company Remodeling. With extensive industry experience and positive reviews spread across multiple websites, you’re sure to get the stunning finished look you’re after.

Ready to see how a new look can make all the difference in your house? Then prepare your home and call in your local pros. You’ll love how your dreams look in living color!

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