A painters job is far more than putting down coats of paint, professional painters spend as much, if not more time preparing the surface. In preparation for San Antonio painting the exterior must be sanded, cleaned and prepared; drop cloths must be placed in areas that need protection and once the job is over they must clean up.
Few homeowners realize just how much work and time goes into preparing the surfaces. Of course professional painting contractors include surface preparation in the price but even at that it is a good idea for the homeowner to know what to expect.
A uniform surface must be attained:
If the surface is not clean and uniform, the results will not be as expected. For great results the surface must be smooth, free of dirt, dust, oil stains, etc. Long before painting begins the exterior must be washed using a gentle cleanser and warm water. Once the surface is clean and dry, assess the surface. Invariably there will be cracks and small fissures, these will be filled. Following this initial prep work, the real work begins.
Sanding, priming and finish painting:
Even washing the surface will not get rid of paint flakes and bubbles, these surface imperfections must be removed by scraping and sanding. Depending on the condition, it may be necessary to sand the surface first with course grit sandpaper and then follow it up with a finer grit to get the desired finish.
The first stage of San Antonio painting is the application of the prime coat. Depending on the final color, professional painters will often tint the primer. A prime coat is imperative, without it the finished coat will react differently and will not be uniform.
There is no doubt that you can expect a superior result when you hire a team of professionals to prepare and paint your home.
If you are looking for a professional San Antonio painting contractor you will be pleased with the results you get from the pros at Shaw Company Remodeling.