Although the laws vary from state to state, most states require their drivers to maintain some type of auto insurance. Unfortunately, there are many drivers out there who still aren’t insured. Uninsured drivers pose a problem for themselves and the other drivers on the road. The following are a few things drivers can do if they’re ever in an accident with an uninsured driver.
Whether the driver has insurance or not, you should still contact the police after an incident. Work with the police to make sure you receive the correct information from the drivers involved. The police will document the information and may provide you with a copy of the report.
Hurt by an Uninsured Driver in Virginia? You Still Have a Case! Without the other negligent driver having insurance, you’ll likely need to pay out-of-pocket for your repairs. You may also need to pay your own hospital bills and rental car fees. In any case, you have a right to take on the negligent driver in court. A judgement can force the uninsured driver to pay all expenses related to the incident.
If you want to protect yourself from uninsured motorists, you need more than just liability insurance. For instance, collision coverage can help to cover damages to your vehicle after an accident. If you have something like personal injury protection, you won’t have to worry about paying for those out-of-pocket medical expenses.
One of the best ways to protect yourself from uninsured drivers is to buy uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage will cover your expenses in the event an uninsured driver is negligent for the damages you’ve sustained. This protection should cover your vehicle as well as your injuries. However, make sure you purchase an adequate amount to help cover your expenses.
Dealing with uninsured motorists can be both expensive and frustrating. Again, make sure that the police are immediately notified after an accident occurs. Remember, were you Hurt by an Uninsured Driver in Virginia? You Still Have a Case! Use the information from the police report to help argue your case in court against the negligent driver. Take some initiative and get extra insurance to protect yourself; things like collision and uninsured motorist coverage can help to relieve you of some of your financial burdens.