When To Choose Swiss Machining Services

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Medical Facilities

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The original Swiss-type turning centers or Swiss-type lathes were designed to make very precise components for Swiss watches. These were not always CNC (Computer numerical controlled), but most machining shops now use this technology.

The choice in using Swiss machining services over a traditional type of vertical or horizontal milling machines, which can also be CNC, is really a factor of the precision required for the final part.

When very high levels of precision or accuracy are required in the completed part, choosing Swiss machining services is not just a logical consideration, it is the best possible consideration. The accuracy possible on this type of a system will be in the micrometers or in the thousandths of an inch. This equipment is designed for small parts, but it can be used for larger parts depending on the specifics of the equipment.

This is essential for parts and components in medical and dental implants and equipment, in specific computer parts and specific components and parts using in the aerospace and defense industries.

The Difference

There are several differences between Swiss machining and traditional types of CNC machining. One important difference is the way the material (the workpiece) is secured. It is held by a guide bushing as well as a collet. The collet is like a chuck or a hollow tube that the workpiece sits in. This is then tightened to hold the piece securely.

The collet is at the back of the workpiece, followed by the bushing guide and then the cutting tool. This arrangement limits any vibration or movement. Both the tools and the workpiece will move, keeping the cutting area close to the bushing guide for stability.

These machines also use one or two main spindles and one or two secondary spindles. This allows the workpiece to be cut and the other part also processed in a second operation. The system will automatically remove or kick out the completed part to further enhance efficiency. The secondary spindles can also have what are known as “live tools” which work independently to the main spindles to complete other operations such as drilling or other types of operations. These are also controlled by CNC.

Ideally, using Swiss machining services for large production runs for very precise parts is the best option. This is a highly efficient type of machining that is becoming more common for all types of applications.

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