One of the most common materials used in construction and fabrication is 6061 aluminum. This is an alloy originally developed in 1935 and sold under the name of Alloy 61S. Used for aircraft as well as in marine construction, automotive parts, and components, as well as in specialized applications, this is a durable, strong and workable option.
Different tempers of 6061 aluminum sheets will have different properties. The T6 is a very versatile option in all of the application mentioned above as well as in the construction of marine structures and docks. It is also common to find 6061 aluminum sheets used in the construction of vacuum chambers, including ultra-high vacuum or UHV chambers.
Generally, the use of 6061 aluminum is used in applications where high resistance to corrosion and stress cracking are factors. This, combined with a good strength to weight ratio in the alloy, creates an ideal material for most aluminum construction and fabrication needs. This aluminum will also be indicated in standards from ASTM, ISO, and AMS based on the specific temper.
Welding 6061
A very important benefit in the choice of 6061 aluminum sheet for parts and components as well as for construction applications, is the weldability of the alloy. It can be welded using both MIG and TIG process. Additional heat treatment after the welding process will restore the part to the desired strength, making it an ideal option in specialized applications such as the manufacturing of airplane fuselages as well as wings.
Different suppliers may offer various gages of 6061 aluminum sheets as in-stock inventory. The gage can range from 0.032 to 0.250, with special orders possible from some suppliers. Top companies will provide this sheet with paper interleaving or PVC protective coating on one side.