Necessity of Asbestos Survey in London – Understanding the Importance

by | Aug 10, 2016 | Business

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Back in the day, asbestos was considered a miracle material. Strong and malleable, it was used for the construction of properties (both commercial and residential), as well as in the automotive industry and for a wide range of other uses. When it was discovered to be the main cause of mesothelioma, a life-threatening form of cancer, asbestos was soon banned. Nevertheless, there are still properties out there that contain traces of asbestos, if not large amounts. With that being said, you should take it upon yourself to call in the professionals to perform an inspection. Read on to find out what the necessity of an asbestos survey in London is and why you should be taking action.

Prevent Lung Disease

Even if the symptoms of asbestos exposure aren’t noticed right away, such as swelling in the face and neck, a rattling sound when coughing and shortness of breath, this doesn’t mean that you might not be at risk. When an asbestos survey in London is completed, the professionals will be able to remove asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and this will reduce the chances of you and other occupants of the property developing incurable lung disease.

Reduce the Risks of Bronchitis

Another reason why you should get an asbestos survey in London completed is to lower the risks of bronchitis. If left to worsen, bronchitis may turn into chronic bronchitis, which can affect breathing and block the airways of the lungs. Visiting a health professional will help to determine if bronchitis is present.

Keep the Lungs Healthy

Aside from exercising regularly, breathing in fresh air and avoiding smoking, you can keep the lungs healthy if you arrange for an asbestos survey in London. Tiny fibres of asbestos can get deep-seated in the lungs if they are disturbed, so don’t chance it when your health is at stake.

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