When Should You Call a Reliable Sacramento Probate Attorney?

by | Nov 24, 2016 | Law Services

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After a death it can be very difficult to know what you should do about the decedents property a reliable Sacramento probate attorney can help you to get through this difficult period. If there is a will there may be a formal set of instructions included, in some cases there is and in others there is not. Whether there is a will or not you will still have to take certain steps under the law and you will need a probate lawyer to help you navigate the legal system.

When to Call
Before you dispose of any property, no matter how inconsequential it may seem you should contact a reliable, experience attorney that can provide you with direction. It is always best to discuss options, planning and legal requirements with a trusted lawyer. Probate laws are very strict and unforgiving, one mistake or missed filing can result in years of litigation.

Also consider calling when:

  • You want to challenge a will -a lawyer can tell you if litigation is even possible in the matter
  • You have any questions about the contents of a will
  • You have any questions about distribution
  • You have been appointed as the executor of an estate
  • Have legal questions regarding taxes and other estate charges

Any time that you have a question about a will, probate, distribution, trusts and estate planning that is the time you want to reach out to an experienced attorney to get the advice that you need.

Having a reliable lawyer that will treat your case like the unique situation it is can help you to get the outcome that you hope for in all of your probate matters. Before you try to cut through all the red tape, that probate law is, on your own call the Law Offices of Mitchel S Otswald!

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