Understanding the Product Development Process

by | Jun 22, 2017 | Consulting

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If you are considering hiring a dedicated product design company, it is important to understand the entire process used for the new project. Product development in California and elsewhere uses an established set of procedures to ensure the end result is well-designed and adapted to the needs of the customer.


The first stage involved a wide-ranging discussion with the customer to examine the ultimate goals of the project. Projected timelines and budget considerations will be noted. All of the necessary information to understand the problem at hand is gathered.


Based on an understanding of the opportunities and overall objectives of the project, concept ideas are generated and considered. Each concept will be examined to determine its potential. After weighing the relative merits of each solution, the most promising ideas will be carried forward to the next stage.


Product development in California involves using advanced software to map out physical designs. Software simulation and analysis is performed to spot potential problems and allow for rapid progress. At the end of this stage, the best concepts have been translated into a concrete design ready to be produced and evaluated.


The first physical production of the designs. Prototyping, which may be carried out in-house for faster feedback and iteration, allows the concept designs to be tested and their performance measured. At this stage, further adjustments may be made to the design based on the results of this testing.


The results of the product conceptualization, design, and implementation are discussed with the customer. Any necessary adjustments are made as their feedback is incorporated into the final design.


Once the design has been fully developed and finalized, the customer will then take delivery of the design files, physical models, prototypes, and accompanying resources.

This process is commonly used for product development in California and all over the world. It is a well-established set of procedures which allows your project the best chance of success.

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